Saturday, February 5, 2011

Jon Mundy's New Book: Living A Course in Miracles

Jon Mundy was my first Course in Miracles teacher and I've been blessed that he has since become a wonderful personal friend. When I first heard Jon speak about ACIM, I thought, "The Course must really work, because he is one of the most peaceful men I've ever seen." Some time after that, Jon came to our home and sat on our deck. Two bluebirds perched on the railing, within one foot of him. We had St. Francis of Assisi there! Normally the bluebirds, pretty as they were, were always fussing and fighting.

I helped Jon edit his new book, and here is my review for it:

Jon Mundy knows A Course in Miracles backwards and forwards, and was in on its inception, having been friends with scribe Helen Schucman. Jon's writing style is clear and concise and he brings the Course to life with easy-to-relate-to examples. He simplifies tough topics so anyone can comprehend them. Jon is down to earth and you can feel his peaceful, joyous approach to life through his straightforward writing. Newcomers to A Course in Miracles should definitely read Jon's book, as it will save them much time in grasping and applying the Course to their lives. People who have studied the Course for years will also gain many insights and ways to live the Course.

Here is where you can purchase Jon's book:

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